We've noticed that many of our learners have come to 5th Grade without complete mastery of their basic multiplication facts. (Multiplication is introduced in the 2nd grade with mastery expected in 3rd. They are expected to not only know their multiplication facts by the time they reach 5th grade but also be able to multiply two digit numbers by two digit numbers.) Because of this, they are struggling with the new concepts that are introduced in 5th grade
. A few weeks ago, every learner was sent home with a sheet to get them started online with Xtra Math. Sadly, some that need it the most still have not begun. This is now required daily homework. It takes no more than 5 minutes. If your learner is unable to login, please let me know as we want every student to be successful. Weekly timed multiplication tests will be given until we all show mastery. Once your student has mastered their multiplication facts, they will join the Math Club and not be required to do XtraMath nor the multiplication timed tests.
My goal, with your help, is to have every student up to speed within the next 3 weeks.
Because parents are our partners in educating their children, I wanted to share a few resources. Hopefully you will find them helpful in getting your child up to speed.
Multiplication Games